Flowchart: year by year study
The chart below sets out the French courses that students majoring in French would typically take in each year of study at Acadia in order to complete the requirements in French
Year 1: Fran 1213/23 or 1613/23 (i) , Fran 2713 and Arts Core courses (ii)
Year 2: Fran 2013/23 (iii); Fran 2113/23; Fran 2713 (if not taken in year one) or FRAN 3733 in year III (iv) + courses in other subjects.
Year 3: One (3hr) course in French-Canadian Lit at the 3000 level (v); one (3hr) course in French Lit at the 3000 level (vi); (Fran 3733, if 2713 was not taken in year I or II); one course in Adv Lang (3 hrs) (vii); one or two more (3hr) courses at the 3000 level + courses in other subjects.
Year 4: Five or six courses at the 3000/4000 level, including at least 6 hrs at the 4000 level + courses in other subjects; Total - 45 credit hours (viii)