Rachel Chabot


Rachel graduated from Acadia in May 2017 with a double major in History and French.  She ultimately plans to become a teacher specializing in these two fields. For the past three years, alongside her studies, Rachel has been working as a French Language Assistant at Wolfville school, creating and guiding activities designed to encourage an interest in and love for French in the pupils.  Rachel has also been an active volunteer in several different areas including swimming instruction and aquatic safety, Acadia Backpack Relief, Shinerama and Meals on Wheels. Rachel is well-prepared for life in France since she has already spent 3 years living in Clermont-Ferrand with her family (2006 to 2009).  Following her year in France, Rachel will return to Acadia to pursue her degree in Education (she has already been accepted into the programme).  She will be taking up her position as English Language Teaching Assistant at the University of Rouen.